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The Admissions Process

  • Students entering front of building

Enrollment Admissions Policy 538

Woodbury Leadership Academy follows Federal and State Department of Education regulations, guidelines and practices regarding enrollment of students. 

Conditions for Enrollment

  • Student must be five (5) years old by September 1st of the year in which they start kindergarten
  • Student must be six (6) years old by September 1st of the year in which they start first grade
  • Student(s) currently attending Woodbury Leadership Academy do not need to reapply
  • Families must establish a residence in Minnesota by the first day of attending Woodbury Leadership Academy

Application Process

All applications for the following school year will be available the first business day in December on our school site and available for pick up at the school. All applications for the early enrollment period must be received by the school by the last business day in January. All applications will be stamped according to date and time received. If there are more applications received than available openings at any one grade level, a lottery will take place on the first business day in February. 

Woodbury Leadership Academy shall maintain three preference lists, one for those with sibling preference, one for those with staff preference and one for those with no preference. Sibling and staff preference are offered a seat prior to any student on the no preference list.

Students on a current year waitlist will not carry over for the upcoming school year and will need to submit a new application.

Once an offer is made, the parent/guardian must complete the acceptance and enrollment forms. The forms must be returned to the school. When the school confirms all necessary requirements are met, the student is officially enrolled.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to retain confirmation from Woodbury Leadership Academy of the receipt of application.  If confirmation of receipt is not received, it is upon the applicant to follow up with Woodbury Leadership Academy to request confirmation.