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Woodbury Leadership Academy uses the research-based, academically rigorous Core Knowledge Sequence K-8 to ensure that students meet and exceed the Minnesota Academic Standards. Core Knowledge is a solid, sequential, and specific curriculum, based on the principles of establishing a national cultural literacy, or broad common knowledge base.

Core knowledge language arts.png

What is Core Knowledge?

The Core Knowledge logo features five colorful stick figures holding hands in a circle, with the text 'Core Knowledge' below.

The mission of the Core Knowledge Foundation is to advance excellence and equity in education for all children.

To achieve this mission, they offer detailed curricular guidance and materials to schools, teachers, parents, and policy makers—to anyone who believes, as we do, that every child in a diverse democracy deserves access to enabling knowledge.

The Core Knowledge approach puts knowledge at the heart of schooling.

Specific and Sequenced: Most curriculum standards provide general goals and objectives but offer teachers little guidance about the specific knowledge students should learn in each grade. In contrast, the Core Knowledge approach is to specify, in a clear grade-by-grade sequence, what students need to know.

Excellence and Equity: Only by specifying the knowledge and skills that all children should share can we guarantee equal access to that knowledge. Educational excellence and equity require that every child in a democracy have access to important shared knowledge and language.

Starting Early: It’s important to begin building strong foundations of knowledge in the early years. The Core Knowledge approach focuses on preschool through grade eight. In these early years, especially the preschool and elementary grades, schools can do the most to help children lay the groundwork for language development and future success.

To learn more about Core Knowledge, click HERE!

The Core Knowledge Sequence

The Core Knowledge Sequence provides a detailed outline of content knowledge & skills to be taught in language arts, history and geography, mathematics, science, visual arts and music. The Sequence is intended to help children establish strong foundations of knowledge grade-by-grade. The Core Knowledge Sequence embodies three essential qualities: (1) content-specific, (2) cumulative & (3) coherent.

How WLA Fosters Academic Success

  • Rigorous content organized by "Domains of Study"
  • High expectations
  • Inquiry-based learning
  • Complementing knowledge and skills
  • Family & community involvement
  • Cross-curricular connections
  • Specialist classes, including: Music, P.E., Art & Leadership

Many educators believe that schools are good at teaching and testing facts, but that students are not prepared to apply those facts to solving problems. Core Knowledge believes that for students to solve meaningful problems, they must first be supplied with knowledge about the domain of study. Skills and knowledge should complement each other.

The subject matter covered in Core Knowledge Sequence is rigorous. Students are exposed to multiple "Domains of Study" and content-rich vocabulary. Additionally, students are expected to move at a fast pace, as there are many "Domains of Study" in each grade level that must be covered. For students to be successful in this rigorous environment, families must be involved in their child's education.



 Woodbury Leadership Academy participates in statewide, national and district common assessments. 

  • Statewide Assessments (MCA)

    Minnesota values its educational system and the professionalism of its educators. Minnesota educators created the academic standards, which are rigorous and prepare our students for career and college. The statewide assessments are how Minnesota measures that curriculum and daily instruction in our schools are being aligned to the academics standards, ensuring all students are being provided an equitable education. Statewide assessment results are just one tool to monitor that we are providing our students with the education that will ensure a strong workforce and knowledgeable citizens. 

    (1) Minnesota Comprehension Assessments (MCA): Based on Minnesota Academic Standards; given annually in grades 3-8 and high school in reading and mathematics; given annually in grades 5, 8 and high school for science. 

    (2) Minnesota Test of Academic Skills (MTAS): Is an option for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities.

    (3) ACCESS: Based on the WIDA English Language Development Standards; given annually to English learners in grades K-12 in reading, writing, listening and speaking.

    Click HERE to view our District Test Security Procedure.

    National Assessments (NWEA MAP)

    At Woodbury Leadership Academy, we are committed to providing our students with personalized learning experiences. To best achieve this, we regularly assess students’ growth. We strive to consider the whole picture when serving our students. Having multiple types of assessments helps provide a fuller picture of each student's needs.

    (1) Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Reading Fluency with Dyslexia Screener Component: The MAP Reading Fluency with Dyslexia Screener Component is a test type that can identify when students' performance demonstrates possible risk factors for dyslexia or other reading difficulties. This is administered for all students in grades K-3.

    (2) Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Reading Growth: This is administered for all students in grades 3-8.

    (3) Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Science Growth: This is administered for all students in grades 5-8.

    Common Assessments

    Common Assessments are assessments that are directly linked to the curriculum taught at Woodbury Leadership Academy. They are based on academic standards and are typically developed by teacher teams within the school district. They are necessary to implement the district curriculum with fidelity and to report progress to students and parents on student mastery of academic standards (e.g., report cards).

    How do we screen and identify for convergence insufficient disorder? We use parent and teacher referrals for concerns in this area. Those concerns are managed by the Special Education Director who ensures that students are tested accordingly.

    For more information about Common Assessments, contact your child's teacher.

  • Statewide Assessments (MCA)

    If you are considering opting your student out of statewide testing, please review the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) Parent/Guardian Guide and Refusal for Student Participation in Statewide Testing. After reviewing the MDE document, if you would still like to opt your student out of statewide testing click HERE and complete the Woodbury Leadership Academy's Refusal for Student Participation in Statewide Testing Form. A new form must be filled out each school year. Please submit your refusal form to WLA's front office by April 11, 2025. 

    National Assessments (NWEA MAP)

    To opt out of national assessments, the parent/guardian must complete THIS form and return to WLA. A new form must be filled out each school year.

  • Click the link to view WLA's testing calendar for the 2024-2025 school year or visit our calendar page to download the assessment calendar.